Posts Tagged ‘ASEAN Regional Forum’


Daily International News 07.20.11

July 20, 2011

Daily International News
July 20, 2011

ASEAN Regional Forum
ASEAN, China approve ‘guidelines’ for disputed sea

Clinton calls for Sri Lankan reconciliation
Clinton urged to press Indonesia on military abuse
Clinton urges India to expand influence

Northeast Asia
Great East Japan Earthquake estimated as most expensive natural disaster on record [Mainichi]
Kan likely to quit by end of August, positive signs on horizon, says foreign expert

Philippines lifts ban on animal products from Fukushima area
N.Korea slams Japan in territorial row
[Straits Times]
South Korea to Push Security Forum For Rebuke of North
ROK military to randomly inspect Marine bases
[Korea Herald]
2 S. Korean intelligence officials detained in China for 10 months
China says 14 extremists killed in Xinjiang attack
China’s vice president urges Tibetan monks to “stay clear from” separatist forces

Taiwan’s mainland affairs minister call for visa-free access to H.K.
China appeals to US for “responsible” steps to reassure markets, protect debt holders
Chinese state oil firm buys Canadian oil sands producer
Nepal to re-measure Mount Everest to end China row

Southeast Asia/Pacific
South China Sea dispute: Philippine MPs visit Spratlys

Germany in deal on Thai Prince Vajiralongkorn’s jet
Cambodia to pull troops from border after Indonesian observers arrive
Australian police quell Christmas Island asylum riot
New Zealand PM John Key denies Israel spy rumour
Christchurch earthquake: Diary from Sumner

South/Central Asia
13 killed by earthquake in Uzbekistan
Taliban say Mullah Omar death report false, phones hacked by US

Lashkar Gah: Nato hands over volatile Afghan city
US charges two for illegal lobbying over Kashmir

Middle East
Syrian warns ambassadors not to leave capital
Syrian military assaults intensify on Homs, 16 killed
Jailed Palestinian leader asks millions to protest
Ahmadinejad and clerics fight over head scarves

Clinton promises $28M more in famine aid to Africa
UN declares famine in parts of Somalia
[Al Jazeera]

Libya rebels suffer heavy casualties at Brega
Sudan minister open to foreign troops in S. Kordofan
Britain, Nigeria agree to cooperate on terrorism
Malawi’s capital Lilongwe hit by riots

APNewsBreak: US mulls sanctions against Iceland
Serbia arrests last war crimes fugitive
Cameron testifies to Parliament on phone hacking scandal
European banks see debt threat in U.S. as well as at home
European Union ‘needs strong message’ on Greece debt
Cyprus may need bailout after blast, banker warns

Chile inquiry confirms President Allende killed himself

U.S. conducted subcritical nuclear tests in Dec. and Feb.
Post-ABC poll: GOP too dug in on debt talks; public fears default consequences
Michele Bachmann faces more migraine questions [POLITICO]
Minn. governor signs budget, ends 20-day state shutdown after impasse over taxes, spending
For First Day of Gay Marriage, City Plans License Lottery
Birth control coverage proposed for most health insurance plans
Men who buy sex commit more crimes, U.S. study finds
New but tiny moon found circling distant Pluto


Daily International News 07.19.11

July 19, 2011

Daily International News
July 19, 2011

ASEAN Regional Forum
Clinton with no plans to meet N. Korean FM in Bali: State Dept.
Asian ministers discuss South China Sea, security
ASEAN Ministers Urged to Pursue Early Agreement on China Sea

Northeast Asia
Japan bans Fukushima beef shipments

Japan’s crippled nuclear plant reaches stability
Typhoon Ma-On hits Japan
[Al Jazeera]
Ruling party leader sees little progress in resumption of inter-Korean talks
EU seeks nuke-free N. Korea with better human rights record
S. Korea expected to approve civilian flour aid for N. Koreans
North Korea fakes news photo again
[Korea Herald]
S. Korean premier expresses ‘deep regret’ on islet flap with Japan
Xinjiang police attack was terrorism, China says
[BBC] and Several rioters gunned down in Xinjiang police station attack [Xinhua]

China protests planned Philippine trip to Spratlys
China’s Xi vows to speed up Tibet’s development while fighting separatism
Taiwan under threat of 1,400 Chinese missiles: report
China executes corrupt Hangzhou and Suzhou officials
China’s online population rises to 485 million
Baidu signs deal with music labels

Southeast Asia
Myanmar’s Suu Kyi leads memorial march for father
Myanmar marks 64th anniversary of Martyr’s Day, Suu Kyi attends
9 feared dead after helicopter crash on Thai-Myanmar border
Philippines extrajudicial killings continue, says HRW
Malaysian ‘teapot cult’ woman loses Islam legal bid

South/Central Asia
Clinton in India for Talks on Regional Security, Nuclear Trade
Clinton pushes India on nuclear law, market access
US will press Pak as ‘hard’ as possible on terror: Hillary Clinton
[Times of India]
Pakistan gets 1st woman foreign minister
NATO gives security to Afghans in eastern capital

Middle East
10 reported killed in Syrian shooting at funeral
Syria faces tougher sanctions from EU
[Al Jazeera]
Iran says it is installing ‘better’ nuclear centrifuges

Israeli navy seizes Gaza-bound yacht

Egypt cabinet to be sworn in on PM’s return – sources
US and Libya in face-to-face talks

Leaked report hints at Sudan war crimes
[Al Jazeera]
Size of crisis slows Somalia relief efforts
[Al Jazeera]
Guinean president escapes assassination bid at home
Gbagbo loyalists ‘no longer a threat’ in Ivory Coast

Murdochs promise day of political theatre
News Corp. Said to Consider Elevating Chase Carey to CEO
Sean Hoare death: postmortem being held on hacking whistleblower
European policymakers struggle for united front to save Greece
Ivo Sanader, Croatia’s ex-PM, extradited from Austria
Swiss trial opens for 3 accused eco-terrorists
Strauss-Kahn daughter questioned in French probe
Cyprus president asks minister to stay on as coalition falters
Pope accepts archbishop’s resignation due to sex scandal

Chile’s President Pinera changes team after protests
Chavez to run in 2012 poll, says Venezuela minister

Clinton Exclusive: I would use 14th amendment to raise debt ceiling
[National Memo]

Debt Deal Search Intensifies
GOP split over McConnell plan
‘Cut, cap and balance’ unlikely to end debt ceiling struggle
The scramble for South Carolina
Cain: Romney’s religion a bar to GOP nod
Sen. Chuck Schumer tries reviving immigration bill
Warren mulls run against Scott Brown
[The Hill]
Atlantis shuttle undocks from space station
Yao set to retire from basketball Wednesday