Posts Tagged ‘nuclear security summit’


Daily International News 05.12.11

May 12, 2011

Daily International News
May 12, 2011

Northeast Asia
U.S. envoy on N. Korean human rights seeking visit to Pyongyang
American detained in NKorea speaks to family
North Korea Spurns 2012 Nuclear Summit as “Ridiculous”

Human Rights Commissioner Apologizes to N.Korean Defectors
NATO strike damages North Korean embassy: Libyan TV
New Tibetan leader open to talks with China

China arrests 40 suspected child traffickers
China unofficial Christian churches petition ministers
Down-Under Hypocrites Bet All on China’s Boom: William Pesek
China Orders Banks to Set Aside More Cash
Lawmakers US military plans in Japan unaffordable

Fukushima reactor water leak risks delaying crisis plan
Experts: Early warnings mitigated Japan disaster

Southeast Asia/Pacific
Thailand: Two ‘red-shirts’ leaders returned to jail
‘People smuggler’ charged over Christmas Island tragedy

South/Central Asia
Exclusive: PM Gilani Warns of ‘Trust Deficit’ Between U.S. and Pakistan
Bin Laden death ‘not an assassination’ – Eric Holder

Bin Laden Journal Detailing Plans for Attacks Said to Be Recovered in Raid
U.S. attacks militants in Pakistan as bin Laden pressure grows
Even in Death, Bin Laden Exacts Multitrillion-Dollar Toll on U.S. Taxpayer
Pakistani Is Seeking Inquiry On U.S. Raid
Indian PM Manmohan Singh visits Afghanistan for talks
India backs Afghan aims to reconcile with Taliban

Middle East
Yemeni forces open fire on protesters
[Al Jazeera]
Security forces target Bahrain medics
[Al Jazeera]
Deaths reported as tanks shell Syrian cities
[Al Jazeera]  
Syria protests: Thousands of students rally in Aleppo
Iraqi lawmaker survives assassination attempt

After nearly 2 weeks out of sight, Gadhafi appears on Libyan TV
Cameron invites Libya rebels to open office in UK

Libya Rebels Advance Toward Brega After Taking Control of Misrata Airport
NATO air strikes hit Gaddafi compound in Tripoli
Ugandan president sworn in as thousands welcome rival
400,000-plus women raped in Congo yearly: study
France cancels all of Togo’s debt: minister

EU studies plan to change Schengen border treaty

John Demjanjuk guilty of Nazi death camp murders
Finnish parties agree to support bail-out for Portugal
Vote will show how badly Berlusconi hurt by scandals
Spaniards fearing aftershocks flee quake city
UK: Lib Dem David Laws to be suspended over expenses claims
Seychelles quiet on reported royal honeymooners

Honduras ex-president Manuel Zelaya wants to go home
Guantanamo Bay detainees’ family members may be allowed to visit
BP gets final approval to buy Brazilian oilfields

Why Obama’s Not a Lock
Huntsman: The Cool Kid
Newt Gingrich Promises New ‘Contract With America’ in His Presidential Bid
Romney Disowns Health-Care Bill He Signed
Democrats Embrace Tax Increases Against Medicare Cuts as Political Winner
GOP seeks new Medicare message
Bernanke Says Fed to Propose Financial Rules


Daily International News 04.19.10

April 19, 2010

Daily International News
April 19, 2010

East Asia
Tokyo struggles to solve US marine base dispute
South Korean president in vow over sunken warship

China quake death toll nears 2,000
KCNA: Change to Japanese textbooks criticized
KCNA: DPRK criticizes Nuclear Security Summit results

Southeast Asia
Burma’s ‘forgotten’ Chin people suffer abuse
Thai army moves into Bangkok business district

Central Asia
Ousted Kyrgyzstan leader Bakiyev ‘leaves Kazakhstan’

Fresh resistance as Kyrgyz leaders vow reforms

Middle East
‘Palestinians will rule themselves’ says Ehud Barak

Iraqi panel orders recount of Baghdad votes
Iran says to start work on new enrichment plant

Airlines condemn ‘European mess’
UK sends in navy to help ash cloud crisis
Nick Clegg nearly as popular as Winston Churchill
[Times UK]
Turkish Cypriot hard-liner wins election

No date set for delayed Sudan election results

Sudan state media report Bashir poll lead
04.18 Video of Nigeria killings prompts outrage, arrest of officers [LAT]

From 04.18 Gates Pushes Back on Report of Memo About Iran Policy [NYT]
Toyota Said to Agree to Pay $16.4 Million U.S. Fine
From 04.18 Foes may target Kagan’s stance on military recruitment at Harvard [WaPo]