Posts Tagged ‘berlin’


Daily International News 04.14.11

April 14, 2011

Daily International News
April 14, 2011

Northeast Asia
NKorea celebrates founder Kim Il Sung’s birthday
North Korea Prepares to Indict American

CSM Opinion: How the US is like North Korea
Japan emperor makes first trip to disaster zone
Japan quake: Police search for bodies near plant
Newseum gets Japan quake handwritten newspapers

Aftershocks Threaten More Damage to Crippled Japan Nuclear Plant
Sony considers two-week shutdown due to power shortages
Paper: China accuses famed artist of tax evasion
[AP]; Original: 因为涉嫌經濟犯罪,內地行為藝術家艾未未近日接受警方調查 [Wen Wei Po]
‘Stand-off’ at Tibetan monastery in Sichuan, China
Taiwan universities accept Chinese mainland students
China Policy Main Topic for the G-20

China FX reserves soar past $3 trillion, add to inflation

South/Central Asia
Pakistan would back Taliban office in Turkey, official says

India and Pakistan to resume sporting ties
[Al Jazeera]
Pakistan Protests Latest U.S. Missile Strike as Tensions With CIA Increase
AP Exclusive: 2 French militants held in Pakistan
Karzai blasts ‘foreign agents’ for Afghan suicide attack

Clinton warns NATO on speedy Afghan withdrawal

Middle East
UN Gaza report co-authors round on Goldstone

Israeli Foreign Minister Faces Indictment on Corruption Charges
E.U. sanctions 32 Iranian officials for human rights abuses
U.S. Says Iran Helps Crackdown in Syria

Bahrain seeks to dissolve main opposition group
Yemen opposition spurns talks, sets Saleh deadline

Libya: Nato foreign ministers hold talks in Berlin
Libya rebels say NATO must stop “massacre” in Misrata
Allies to step up military pressure on Libya
[Al Jazeera]
Countries Agree to Try to Transfer Some of Qaddafi’s Assets to Libyan Rebels
Egypt army reconsiders cases of jailed protesters
Russia criticises U.N. force role in Ivory Coast
Ugandan police fire teargas at food price protest
Uganda: Politician Kizza Besigye wounded at protest

Silvio Berlusconi vows not to run for new term in 2013
Belarus says five detained after metro bombing
BRICS nations call for Russia to be admitted to WTO
[Ria Novosti]
David Cameron: ‘I want good immigration, not mass immigration’ – video
Vince Cable attacks Cameron’s ‘very unwise’ immigration remarks
Phone hacking: senior News of the World journalist arrested
BP faces protests at shareholder meeting in London
Council of Europe criticizes treatment of migrants
Heavyweight directors at 2011 Cannes festival

Cuba faces its worst drought for 50 years
Brazil police arrest Rio lawmaker for paramilitary ties

Obama Embraces Debt Commission Ideas, Shuns Ryan’s Medicare Plan
Gates Sets ‘Comprehensive Review’ to Find $400 Billion in Cuts
Obama’s Money Pump for 2012 Re-Election Bid Primed by Chicago
Obama announces framework for cutting deficit by $4 trillion over 12 years


Daily International News 03.29.11

March 29, 2011

Daily International News
March 29, 2011

Northeast Asia
Japan on ’maximum alert’ over nuclear crisis
Japan vows to review nuclear safety standards
Japan works to stop radioactive water leaking into sea
Two Koreas meet on volcano risk
N.Korea speaker makes rare address in the West
US representatives meet North Koreans at secluded German castle
NKorea closely monitoring radiation from Japan
S. Korea does not oppose humanitarian food aid to N. Korea: Rep. Chung
Chinese president urges CPC members to excel in promoting social harmony
Dalai Lama’s announcement of “retirement” a farce, living buddha says

Southeast Asia/Pacific
Australia PM Julia Gillard’s computer ‘hacked’

South/Central Asia
Scandal-tainted Kabul Bank to be sold off
[Al Jazeera]
US Army apologises over new Afghanistan abuse images
UK pays Afghan civilians over deaths, injuries
Indian investigators to visit Pakistan in Mumbai probe
Pakistan says 13 soldiers killed in friendly fire incident

Middle East
Israel considering annexing West Bank settlements
Syrian Cabinet resigns amid unrest
Syria unrest: Pro-Assad rallies in Damascus and Aleppo
Hostage siege kills 21 at Iraq government building
Yemenis blame Saleh as security deteriorates
Ammo factory blast in Yemen kills at least 121

Libya Related
FACT CHECK: How Obama’s Libya claims fit the facts
The Obama doctrine
Analysis: Obama doesn’t mention Libyan rebels
Obama Left Libya Questions Unanswered, Critics in Congress Say
Obama on Libya: The Doctrine Is Clear, but the Mission Isn’t
Obama’s Libya Speech: Daily Beast Contributors Weigh In
[Daily Beast]
London talks focus on Libya’s future
Libya Airstrikes Make Woodward First Woman to Lead U.S. Air War
Italian islanders block harbor to prevent influx of NAfrican migrants
[Deutsche Welle]
Non-Libya Related
Official: Ivory Coast rebels take 2 more towns
Zimbabwe to take over all foreign-owned mining firms
Sudan president heads to Qatar amid Darfur violence

Russia ‘kills 17 North Caucasus militants’
Rating cut deepens Portugal’s financial woes
Labour claims 20,000 police officers will be forced to retire
Prince Harry joins injured soldiers’ North Pole trek

Carter in Cuba for meetings with Raúl, Ortega
[Miami Herald]

Why I called Bradley Manning’s treatment ‘stupid’ [Guardian]
Dick Durbin’s hearing on the civil rights of American Muslims (live blog)
Donald Trump defends ‘birther’ claims
Despite pressure to reduce national debt, few in Congress use payback program
With “time short,” Congress still at impasse on shutdown talks
US house prices ‘hitting new lows’
BP Managers Said to Face U.S. Manslaughter Charges Review


Daily International News 03.24.11

March 24, 2011

Daily International News
March 24, 2011

Northeast Asia
Cherry blossom events begin with solemn DC tribute [AP]
Anxiety in Japan over radiation in tap water [AP]
Japan’s police say disaster death toll tops 9,800 [AP]
Toyota to curb N. America production after quake [AP]
Ex-US President High Chance of Visiting N. Korea Next Month: Source [Arirang]
North Koreans to talk with ex-US envoys in Germany [AP]
U.N. renews mandate of envoy to probe abuses in N.Korea [Reuters]
NKorea sends aid to Korean quake victims in Japan [AP]
Two Koreas agree on rare volcano talks next week [AP]
SKorea holds live-fire military drills near border [AP]
Cheonan sinking: Paper criticises S Korea military [BBC]
S.Korean island opposes anti-North leaflet launch [AFP]
with Libya: N.Korea Misreads the Libyan Situation [Chosun]
China to impose rare earth resource tax [Xinhua]
China central bank further tightens liquidity to control inflation expectation [Xinhua]
China to ban smoking in public places [BBC]

Southeast Asia/Pacific
Thailand: No army role in Japanese reporter death [AP]

South/Central Asia
Taliban stop cell phone signals in key Afghan province [Reuters]
Two UK soldiers killed in Afghanistan [BBC]
Pakistan suicide car bombing kills five near Hangu [BBC]
Jeremy Morlock jailed for 24 years over Afghan deaths [BBC]

Middle East
Oil rises above $106 amid Middle East conflict [AP]
UN human rights body approves investigator on Iran [Reuters]
Syrian death toll mounts after Deraa unrest [BBC]
Yemen forces clash over Saleh before Friday protest [Reuters]
EU envoy defends Bahrain police action [BBC]
Jerusalem bombing: Netanyahu in security pledge [BBC]
Gates assures Egypt on sustained U.S. aid [Reuters]

Libya, Obama and the tragedy in Darfur [WaPo]
Amr Moussa Op-ed: The Goal in Libya Is Not Regime Change [NYT]
Allies Pressure Qaddafi Forces Around Rebel Cities [NYT]
Arab countries on the sidelines in Libya campaign [AP]
Rumsfeld: Unanswered questions about Libya [POLITICO]

Portugal PM Socrates’ resignation overshadows EU summit [BBC]
Policy disperse protesters at EU demonstrations with water cannons [AP]
Germany Steps Away From European Unity [NYT]
German minister says nuclear U-turn “not rational”: report [Reuters]

Cuba releases dissidents Navarro and Ferrer [BBC]
Bolivia’s Morales to take Chile sea dispute to court [BBC]
WikiLeaks: Colombia began using U.S. drones for counterterrorism in 2006 [WaPo]
Drillers propose deep-Earth quest [BBC]

Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects [WSJ]
Christmas bomber chose Detroit because plane tix cheapest [AP]
Romney moves to build fundraising advantage [WSJ]
Mitt Romney, tea party favorite: poll [WaPo]